By Molood Barati (1101600813)
Faculty of Creative Multimedia, University Multimedia
Class of 2011-12

Thursday 28 April 2011


The Letter "A" :
A closed fist, all finger folded against the palm, thumb is straight, alongside the index finger.

The Letter "B" :
All fingers are straight. Thumb is folded across palm.

The Letter "C":
All fingers partially folded. Thumb is partially folded. Hand is turn slightly to the left so viewer can see backward "C" shape formed by thumb and index finger.

The Letter "D" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are partially folded. Tip of thumb is touching tip of middle finger. Index finger is straight. Hand is turned slightly so viewer can see "d" shape formed by thumb, middle and index fingers.

The Letter "E":
Thumb is folded across in front of palm but not touching it. All fingers are partially folded with the tips of index, middle and ring fingers touching the thumb between the knuckle and the tip.

The Letter "F" :
Tip of index finger is touching tip of thumb. Middle, ring and little fingers are straight and slightly spread.

The Letter "G" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded down across palm. Thumb is straight but pulled in so that it is in front of the index finger. The index finger is straight and pointing forwards slightly so that it is parallel to the thumb.

The Letter "H" :
Ring and little finger are folded down. Thumb is folded over ring and little finger. Index finger and middle finger are straight and together. The hand is tilted over so that the fingers are horizontal and pointing to the left.

The Letter "I" :
Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down. Thumb is folded across index middle and ring fingers. Little finger is straight.

The Letter "J" :
Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down. Thumb is folded across index middle and ring fingers. Little finger is straight. The hand is moved so that little finger draws a "J" shape. Motion is a curve moving forward and then right.

The Letter "K" :
Ring and little fingers are folded down. Index and middle finger are straight and slightly spread. Thumb is straight and pointing up to the middle finger. (This is very similar to P the only difference is the position the hand is facing)

The Letter "L" :
Middle, ring and little finger are folded down over palm. Index finger and thumb are straight. Thumb is sticking out sideways at 90 degrees to index finger to form "L" shape.

The Letter "M":
Little finger is folded. Thumb is folded across to touch little finger. Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down over thumb.

The Letter "N" :
Little and ring finger are folded. Thumb is folded across ring and little finger. Index finger and middle finger are folded down over thumb.

The Letter "O" :
All fingers are partially folded. Thumb is partially folded and tip of thumb is touching tip of index finger. Hand is turned slightly so viewer can see "O" shape formed by thumb and index finger.

The Letter "P" :
Ring and little finger are folded down. Index finger is straight. Middle finger is straight but pointing forward so that is at 90 degrees to index finger. Tip of thumb is touching middle of middle finger.

The Letter "Q" :
Ring and little fingers are folded down across palm. Thumb is straight but pulled in so that it is in front of the index finger. The index finger is straight and pointing forwards slightly so that it is parallel to the thumb.

The Letter "R" :
Ring and little finger are folded against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and crossed, index finger in front.

The Letter "S"
Clenched fist. All fingers folded tightly into palm. Thumb is across index and middle fingers.

The Letter "T":
Middle, ring and little fingers are fold down across palm. Thumb is folded across middle finger. Index finger is folded over thumb.

The Letter "U" :
Ring and little finger are folded against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and together.

The Letter "V":
Ring and little finger fold against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and spread to form a "V" shape.

The Letter "W":
Tip of little finger is touching tip of thumb. Index, middle and ring fingers are straight and slightly spread.

The Letter "X" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded down. Index finger is bent at both joints. Thumb is pulled in and slightly bent at the joint. The hand is turned to the left so view can see thumb and index finger.

The Letter "Y":
Index, middle and ring ringers folded against palm. Little finger and thumb are straight and spread wide.

The Letter "Z":
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded. Thumb is folded across middle and ring fingers. Index finger is straight. The hand is moved so that the tip of index finger draws out a "Z" shape. The motion is (1) from right to left. (2) from left to right.

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