By Molood Barati (1101600813)
Faculty of Creative Multimedia, University Multimedia
Class of 2011-12

Thursday 28 April 2011

Sign Language Alphabet

The hand should either remain in place while fingerspelling, or more often drift slightly away from the midline in the manner of writing text in the air, although this movement is subtle, and should not be exaggerated . If fingerspelling multiple words or entire sentences, there should be a very brief pause between words to signify the beginning and end of individual words.Long nails or excessive jewelry can be distracting when watching fingerspelling and for why people who regularly use sign language usually avoid them.
When fingerspelling acronyms in American Sign Language, as with the FBI, NASA, or RID, the letters are often moved to a small circle to emphasize that they should not be read together as one word.
When the finger-hand should not bounce between letters. An exception is the case of double letters with the word restraint in which the double R can be represented by a slight rebound in the corresponding handshape, or by dragging a bit on the side. Each method is a good way to show double letters. However, people who bounce between every letter produce fingerspelling that is very difficult to observe or understand. Those who can not overcome the habit of bouncing every letter may be useful to hold the wrist of the hand that fingerspelling with the free hand so that they are obliged to keep the hand moving up and down while in finger spelling. It usually only hours or days of this is to break the habit of bouncing while fingerspelling unnecessary.

American Sign Language Alphabet - American Manual Alphabet:
In this article we will look at the American manual alphabet. This manual alphabet has the same definition as described above. American Sign Alphabet was created by the Deaf to imitate the English alphabet used primarily in the United States of America and Canada, and is presumed to be derived from an old Spanish manual alphabet of the 17th century.
The signing of a share is also used by Austria, Finland, Germany and Norway communities by signing with minor variations and probably based on the Spanish example. BSL (British) alphabet is signed with both hands in a somewhat changed and barely recognizable ASL users.
The purpose of the use of the alphabet in sign language to improve communication when using American Sign Language and in particular to ensure the correct meaning in technical language or in the securities and common mode address.

Characters should preferably be shown with the dominant hand and, with the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers presented to the outside, facing the viewer, except with the characters G and H. By signing these two characters in the palm must be shown on the side and is the sole exception of alphabetic characters.
In conversation, breaks and the pace should be applied uniformly over the relevant parts of new sentences, word fluency and general purpose. Never sacrifice expressed legible signs for speed. Always ensure that meaning is conveyed precisely that it is the common mistake made by all, including the hearing as well. Complete each word at a pace equal. Secure the position of hands at about shoulder height and keep a firm hand at the same level.

Correct handling:
1) The hand position should remain stable at the starting point or follow the line of writing, but must be more delicate and not divide the attention of the primary target.

2) To show new sentences, it is recommended that a slightly longer interval should be deployed and not to move the hand of his position before.

3) To view individual words shorter intervals should be deployed at the end of each word when signing complete sentences or complex.

4) To display the characters double-back and bounce the signal is recommended, but only here and should be avoided in the normal signature. Better shape to see the characters is repeated by sliding subtly forward.

5) characters of the capital can be shown by circling the signed character and is very useful to show by example the United Nations United Nations. This provides the observer knows that it is an organization with only the main characters to identify the entity.

6) Excessive jewelry and long fingernails or dirty could also lead to madness. Care should be taken to avoid distraction. Look at your hands the same way as an instrument of great value which must be well maintained and well cared for, but without extravagance.

To communicate through sign language alphabet is not really seems to be that complicated and no one should be able to master this skill in a very short time. This should be the prerogative of hearing people who regularly comes into contact with deaf people although it may be a little far-fetched to expect everyone to learn this simple form of communication. It may seem tedious to explain each word on it but would be surprised at the ability of the brain, and speed in the hands seems to grow by using finger spelling. In the end, to be able to communicate via this route could avoid a lot of frustration and a great satisfaction to be able to understand and convey real meaning.


[4]Correspondence to: Marc Marschark, Department of Research, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, 96 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 E-mail: Marc.Marschark@RIT.EDU


In this application , i want to use Sign Language Alphabet method for learning. I use main menu which express famous brands in the world . By pressing each button , user can link to letter page. I embed image with word pronunciation which is compatible with letter, right direction letter writing with pronunciation .Also learner can see hand letter symbol.
I attempted to collect complete alphabetical brand application for learners. Using hand symbol with image and sound have better reflection of learning. Because using hand causes to communicate with each other , on the other hand using application has Distance Learning benefit;So it includes high interactivity.

Mind Map


The Letter "A" :
A closed fist, all finger folded against the palm, thumb is straight, alongside the index finger.

The Letter "B" :
All fingers are straight. Thumb is folded across palm.

The Letter "C":
All fingers partially folded. Thumb is partially folded. Hand is turn slightly to the left so viewer can see backward "C" shape formed by thumb and index finger.

The Letter "D" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are partially folded. Tip of thumb is touching tip of middle finger. Index finger is straight. Hand is turned slightly so viewer can see "d" shape formed by thumb, middle and index fingers.

The Letter "E":
Thumb is folded across in front of palm but not touching it. All fingers are partially folded with the tips of index, middle and ring fingers touching the thumb between the knuckle and the tip.

The Letter "F" :
Tip of index finger is touching tip of thumb. Middle, ring and little fingers are straight and slightly spread.

The Letter "G" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded down across palm. Thumb is straight but pulled in so that it is in front of the index finger. The index finger is straight and pointing forwards slightly so that it is parallel to the thumb.

The Letter "H" :
Ring and little finger are folded down. Thumb is folded over ring and little finger. Index finger and middle finger are straight and together. The hand is tilted over so that the fingers are horizontal and pointing to the left.

The Letter "I" :
Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down. Thumb is folded across index middle and ring fingers. Little finger is straight.

The Letter "J" :
Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down. Thumb is folded across index middle and ring fingers. Little finger is straight. The hand is moved so that little finger draws a "J" shape. Motion is a curve moving forward and then right.

The Letter "K" :
Ring and little fingers are folded down. Index and middle finger are straight and slightly spread. Thumb is straight and pointing up to the middle finger. (This is very similar to P the only difference is the position the hand is facing)

The Letter "L" :
Middle, ring and little finger are folded down over palm. Index finger and thumb are straight. Thumb is sticking out sideways at 90 degrees to index finger to form "L" shape.

The Letter "M":
Little finger is folded. Thumb is folded across to touch little finger. Index, middle and ring fingers are folded down over thumb.

The Letter "N" :
Little and ring finger are folded. Thumb is folded across ring and little finger. Index finger and middle finger are folded down over thumb.

The Letter "O" :
All fingers are partially folded. Thumb is partially folded and tip of thumb is touching tip of index finger. Hand is turned slightly so viewer can see "O" shape formed by thumb and index finger.

The Letter "P" :
Ring and little finger are folded down. Index finger is straight. Middle finger is straight but pointing forward so that is at 90 degrees to index finger. Tip of thumb is touching middle of middle finger.

The Letter "Q" :
Ring and little fingers are folded down across palm. Thumb is straight but pulled in so that it is in front of the index finger. The index finger is straight and pointing forwards slightly so that it is parallel to the thumb.

The Letter "R" :
Ring and little finger are folded against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and crossed, index finger in front.

The Letter "S"
Clenched fist. All fingers folded tightly into palm. Thumb is across index and middle fingers.

The Letter "T":
Middle, ring and little fingers are fold down across palm. Thumb is folded across middle finger. Index finger is folded over thumb.

The Letter "U" :
Ring and little finger are folded against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and together.

The Letter "V":
Ring and little finger fold against the palm, held down by thumb, index and middle finger are straight and spread to form a "V" shape.

The Letter "W":
Tip of little finger is touching tip of thumb. Index, middle and ring fingers are straight and slightly spread.

The Letter "X" :
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded down. Index finger is bent at both joints. Thumb is pulled in and slightly bent at the joint. The hand is turned to the left so view can see thumb and index finger.

The Letter "Y":
Index, middle and ring ringers folded against palm. Little finger and thumb are straight and spread wide.

The Letter "Z":
Middle, ring and little fingers are folded. Thumb is folded across middle and ring fingers. Index finger is straight. The hand is moved so that the tip of index finger draws out a "Z" shape. The motion is (1) from right to left. (2) from left to right.

Flow charts

First flow chart express complete application trend and Second flow chart show the each page process which user links to it; For example the process of page A. All pages process are same as together.

Home Page

This is main menu includes 26 alphabetical brand button which learns alphabet and brands together. Learners become familiar with famous brands.By the way each button links to its page; for example button A links to page A . Exit, Help and About are the other buttons in this menu.

Page Design , Help Page and About Page

First page is design page for each alphabet. All the page alphabet design is same as together.Second page is  Help page ,explaining about each design alphabet and the last page is About page, explaining application.

Movie Clip

Gantt Chart